AWS compute options

This lesson introduces the various compute options available on Amazon Web Services (AWS), including EC2 instances, container services like ECS and Fargate, and serverless computing with Lambda.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a wide range of compute options to suit various application needs and workloads. From traditional EC2 instances to serverless computing with Lambda and container orchestration with ECS and Fargate. In this lesson, we will go through all those options.


  • basic building block to host an application
  • it can usually handle requests in any API-based communication model
  • it provides CPU, memory, and networking capacity to process requests
  • common HTTP servers include:
    • Windows options (e.g., Internet Information Services (IIS))
    • Linux options (e.g. Apache HTTP Server, Nginx, and Apache Tomcat)

In AWS, you have couple possible compute options to choose from:

  • virtual machines (VMs),
    • EC2 – secure, resizable
    • Amazon Lightsail – virtual private servers for simple workload, cost-effective
  • container services,
    • Amazon Elastic Container Service ECS and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
  • serverless architecture
    • AWS Lambda
    • AWS Fargate
  • other specialized solutions:
    • AWS Outposts – launching AWS infrastructure and services on-premise
    • AWS Batch – a service that runs batch jobs on various scales
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk – platform as a service

This lesson briefly introduce the various compute options available on Amazon Web Services (AWS), including EC2 instances, container services like ECS and Fargate, and serverless computing with Lambda. All of those options have different key features and benefits, that is why it is important to make sure that we understand those before making final decision which option we will choose for our application.

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